Friday, August 7, 2009

Liquid Only Liquid Cylinders- Cruddy or The Good Stuff?

A gas distributor took me on a tour of their facility and showed me where they keep their good liquid cylinders and where they keep those needing repair. On a side of their yard was a third group of about two dozen liquid cylinders that I pointed out and was told they were scraps. When asked if they were inner leakers or otherwise beyond repair the client said essentially "Oh, no. They are just those cruddy old liquid-only vessels. No one uses them anymore."

Another distributor took over the business at a very large mixed use facility with a number of labs using nitrogen liquid. Scattered about the labs was a large number of liquid-only style liquid cylinders. The client was told that instead of liquid-only vessels they would be getting "the good stuff" all through their plant...... meaning VGLs.

Both cases share a pretty common perception and contributed to a belief among some users that vendors are somehow denying them top quality when they provide Liquid-Only liquid cylinders for applications where the only need is for nitrogen in a liquid form.

A counterpoint to this perception is the fact that liquid-only style 4L-DOT liquid cylinders will contain nitrogen in a liquid state longer than a same sized liquid cylinder with Gas Use capabilities.


Absent the gas use function, Liquid-Only liquid cylinders do not have Gas Use Vaporization Coils, Pressure Building Coils, Regulators and other heat syncs that transmit energy (heat) into the liquid and cause it to boil off more quickly.

The funny thing is that the myth of Liquid-Only vessels being "cruddy" is so pervasive that a large percentage of people are unaware you can even still buy Liquid-Only containers. And even those that do know you can are reluctant to get them due to backlash they often get from users who feel they are somehow being short-shrifted.

Paradigm shift?

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