Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lifetime Learning

"......but tho' an old man, I am but a young gardener." - Thomas Jefferson to Charles Willson Peale, August 20, 1811

Jefferson's information request sent to one of his time's most noted gardeners speaks volumes. The fact is that, for all the things Jefferson did, it is quite fair to say his real lifetime hobby was learning.

As a model of "the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know" he personified one of the greatest joys there is by constantly pursuing new endeavours from architecture and design to philosophy, education, gardening and more.

Why do I mention this?

This is going to be another of those great weeks where I get to "learn as I teach" with at least three days at client sites delving into operations and working together towards continuous improvement. Not to mention a weekend of gardening, energy conservation, farmer's markets and Saturday morning cooking class........ (a special thanks to Monica Pope at T'Apia in Houston).

And herein also rests the beauty of the cryogenics and gases industry where there is so much to learn and so many really neat people to learn it with......

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