Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cryogenic News Introduction

Thank you for sharing a moment or more of your time to check out this blog. It is my wish that you will find some of the information shared to be helpful, interesting, enlightening or even occasionally inspiring.

Cryonews is focused on items of interest to cryogenic industry suppliers, users, and students taking into account the wide diversity of people and applications in the field. Liquid Oxygen, Argon, and Nitrogen have an incredible number of uses in areas from Medical Oxygen in Hospitals, Research and Homecare to Manufacturing, Construction, Welding Jobs, Demolition, Food and Beverage Production, Harvesting, Special Effects and more. In turn, new posts will intentionally traverse a pretty wide open course going wherever the light shines that moment. And there will be frequent posts with no seeming relevance delivered guilt-free.

This blog is intended as a source for industry news, tips, and insights. Questions, ideas, and links that might be considered worthy of note will be valuable and appreciated. Inevitably, we’ll find that others are wondering or interested in the same things. I'll endeavour to provide responses that are accurate and avoid “the sin of being booooring.”