There have been several posts in Cryogenic News regarding cryogenic tanks rupturing as a result of over-pressuring. This is important due to the real danger posed by tanks and cylinders that are improperly modified or otherwise malfunctioning.
Implosion is also a very real concern and Wil Ferch (Owner/Principal at Nordstern Associates LLC) has graciously allowed me to reprint his recent article "Don't Let This Happen to You!!" below without endorsement.
Interestingly enough, as I was reading Wil's article I remembered that Dan Ariely (of Predictably Irrational fame) is also a director with The Center for Advanced Hindsight which you can visit at http://web.mit.edu/ariely/www/MIT/thecenter.shtml.
Ideally, employing the lessons shared by Wil and others can help you avoid status as a case study for Dan's group so here it is:
"Don't Let This Happen to You !!!
The industrial gas industry, (producers of liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon...amongst other products of air), require large site-erected tanks to be built in order to store these liquids for later use. These tanks can range in size up to 2 million gallons or more, and cost millions of dollars. The stored product, like liquid oxygen, exists at about minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
In the process of bringing such a newly constructed tank into service, it must first be carefully "cooled-down" such that it can accept incoming cold liquid later. Here is a photo of a typical tank on a representative plant site---> http://gazettextra.com/photos/2008/oct/02/10382/
Nordstern Associates LLC - CASE STUDY # 7
A major global producer of industrial gases, recently "cooled-down" such a tank as part of their commissioning process, utilizing their own qualified personnel and historical procedures. This time, however, things went horribly wrong, and their 450,000 gallon tank went from being a multi-million dollar asset... to nearly scrap metal value, in a fraction of a second ! In the process of cooling down the tank, it vacuum collapsed ! To illustrate the violence, sudden-ness and uncontrolled nature of the collapse, here is a YouTube film clip showing a similar ( this time, on purpose ! ) tank collapse of a railway tanker.---> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=72e_1208694365&p=1
Also, when such a flat-bottom tank vacuum collapses, it may implode the top and side walls, and also start to "lift" the center of the flat floor. See here of what such damage looks like in yet another example ( once the web page is opened...move down to title, " Plastic bag vs. Storage tank" for photos and text.)----> http://www.driedger.ca/dp-1/Dirty%20Pictures%201.html
After the damaged tank was repaired, Wil Ferch of Nordstern Associates LLC was enlisted to provide both a revised cool-down procedure, and on-site supervision of the new attempt to cool-down the tank. Result?--> a perfect cool-down with no damage ! Wil Ferch, principal at Nordstern Associates had over 20 years of experience cooling down these types of tanks with a 100% recorded success rate throughout his career !
So....don't let this happen to you !
The industrial gas business has lost much in the way of retained skill sets and nuance-driven knowledge with long-term staff changes. Enlist people who have the training and knowledge to do this correctly. Call upon Nordstern Associates, LLC.
Contact--> Wil Ferch, principal at Nordstern Associates, LLC and let us discuss this.... or other support needs. ( ferch.wil@gmail.com .... business tel : +1 716 983 4089, alt tel: +1 716 662 7173). "
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